
Conditions we treat

Dr. Lu’s Nourishing Life provides treatments designed to address a wide array of conditions, offering an approach that includes, yet moves beyond issues of physical health, as a single symptom is understood in relation to the entire body environment. Dietary guidelines, self care videos and healing cuisine recipes are available to you with a member login. For additional details, click here.

Women’s Health

Health concerns across women’s lifespan include but are not limited to hormone balancing, regulation of menses, fertility as well as menopause. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Infertility including IUI or IVF complementary services, Pregnancy Support including Nausea, Fatigue, Low Back Pain, High Blood Pressure, Childbirth, Lactation Difficulties, Postpartum Care, Menstrual Pain, Irregular Menstrual Cycle, Night sweats, Pelvic Inflammation, Fibroids and Uterine Health, PCOS and Ovarian Health, Fibrocystic Breasts and Breast Health, Vaginal Spasm, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Chronic Pain, Recurrent Yeast Infection, Headaches & Migraines, Acne & Skin conditions, Cancer Support, Fatigue, Insomnia, Thyroid Health, Weight Management, Detoxification, Emotional Wellbeing & Stress management as well as Longevity.

Men’s Health

Supporting the unique changes and challenges that occur in men’s health as they age is beneficial to any man’s health routine. From balancing hormones, Fertility and Virility, to addressing Prostate Inflammation, Stress and Anxiety, significantly impact vitality and longevity. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Infertility including Sperm Quality and quantity, Premature, Delayed or Retro Ejaculation, Decreased Libido, Prostate disorders including BPH, Hormone balance, Andropause, Frequent and Painful urination, Hernia Support, Tennis elbow, Chronic Pain including Shoulder, Low Back and Knee pain, Genital Pain, Sports Injuries, Low Energy & Fatigue, Diabetes, High blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Hemorrhoids, Weight management, Insomnia, Acne & Skin conditions, Cancer Support, Emotional Wellbeing & Stress Management as well as Detoxification programs.

Children’s Health

A young person’s body is constantly changing, thus ameliorating physical, emotional, and psychological difficulties associated with development by restoring balance throughout this journey is imperative. Pediatric treatment is a gentle, safe, and effective approach for children of all ages and can encourage and support healthy behaviors from a young age that can last a lifetime! Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Allergies & Asthma, Acne, Headaches, Colic, Diarrhea, Cavities, Constipation, Anger, Obesity, Earache and Ear Infections, Sleep dysfunction, Eczema, Anxiety, Urinary Tract Infection, Digestive Sensitivities, Diabetes, Growing pains, Hernia, Celiac Disease, Sensory processing support, ADHD, Bedwetting, Immunity and Hormone regulation.

Pain Conditions

Whether the pain is acute or chronic, effective relief to injuries, trauma, and complex pain symptoms can increase Range of Motion, minimize Pain and decrease Stress associated with Chronic Pain. Treatment can aid and accelerate recovery to individuals with overworked, tight, imbalanced and sore muscles, joints, and bones. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Arthritis, Back pain, Bursitis, Chronic Pain, Tendonitis, Sports Injuries, Shoulder pain including Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff Injury, Tennis Elbow, Wrist Pain and Sprain, Trigger finger, Neck Pain, Headaches, Whiplash, Low Back Pain, Herniated Disc, Muscle Pain, Foot & Heel Pain, Groin Pain, Golf Tear, Restless Leg, Sciatica, Hip Pain, Achilles Tendinitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Knee Pain, Ankle Sprains and/ or Strains, TMJ, Weakness.

Nervous System Health

Oftentimes, conditions related to the nervous system can be extremely difficult to treat and traditional Chinese Medicine offers the potential for benefit without the detriment of unwanted side effects from medications or surgery. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated peripheral Neuropathy, Bell’s palsy, Trigeminal Neuralgia, concerns related to Alzheimer’s disease, Early Dementia, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, MS, Phantom limb pain, Postherpetic Neuralgia, Stroke Recovery, Spine Injury, Seizures, Shingles, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Carpal Tunnel, Headaches & Migraines, or undiagnosed Nerve Pain.

Emotional Health & Wellbeing

Supporting emotional and psychological wellbeing entails treating the whole person in order to return individuals to a state of balance and harmony. For individuals who have been on a pharmaceutical regimen and would like to reduce or eliminate use of these medications, traditional Chinese medicine provides a safe and effective option. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia & Sleep Disruptions, Bipolar, PTSD, Grief Support, Stress Management, Irritability, Panic Disorder, Fears & Phobias as well as Addiction support.

Lung System Health

Breathing ailments can greatly affect one’s body and impact sleep, leading to fatigue, irritability and overall frustration with one’s own body. The benefits of Traditional Chinese medicine treatment include boosting immune system, decreasing inflammation and mucus production, increasing white blood cells or lymphocytes as well as regulating histamine production. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Wheezing, Breathing Difficulty, Sinus Congestion & Infection, Polyps, Asthma, Emphysema, COPD, Dry or Chronic Cough, Allergies including seasonal and environmental, Pneumonia, Common Cold, Rhinitis or runny nose, and Bronchitis.

Digestive Health

A vital digestive system is a crucial component of our health. Treatment can help regulate gut motility (diarrhea/ constipation), decrease inflammation, rebuild gut health and enable the body’s ability to combat stress, a key element of efficacy in dealing with gastrointestinal disorders. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Indigestion, Celiac Disease, Acid Reflux, Food Allergies, Cholesterol Management, Ulcerative Colitis, Heartburn, Stomach ulcers, Crohn’s, Gall stones, Gut Inflammation, Candida, Hemorrhoids, Diarrhea, Bloating, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Abdominal Fullness, Gas, Weight Gain, Hiccups, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Loose Stool, Foul breath, Belching, Rapid Hunger, Parasites, Detoxification, Nausea and vomiting, Obesity, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Diabetes.

Skin Health

Skin is an outer reflection of the body’s health and inner balance. Skin conditions can be particularly distressing, both mentally and physically. Medication used to treat skin conditions often suppress symptoms but do not heal the underlying imbalances. Skin issues are correlated to digestion. When digestion is impacted as a result of poor dietary habits or from taking medicines that may increase the toxic load on your body, the skin takes the load. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Acne, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Eczema, Inflammatory Skin Disorders, Hives, Shingles, Alopecia, Chloasma, Herpes, Scar reduction, Facial elasticity, Urticaria, Hyperpigmentation, Facial Rejuvenation, Dry and Cracking skin as well as Itchy skin.

Heart & Circulatory Health

Reducing one’s risk of heart disease begins by supporting risk factors including High Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Stress and Obesity. High blood pressure increases risk of Stroke, Heart Attack, and Kidney Disease while excessive Weight Gain and Obesity increase risk of Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Heart Failure, and Diabetes. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Heart Disease, Chest Pain, Smoking Cessation, Emotional or Psychological Concerns, Poor Circulation, Cold Extremities, Raynaud’s, Claudication, Varicose Veins, Palpitations and Irregular heartbeat, Sleep Disruptions; which can increase the risk of High Blood Pressure, Stroke, Heart Failure and Heart Attack, Obesity, Atherosclerosis, and Diabetes.

Hormone System Health

Endocrine balance is restored by regulating the production and release of hormones, balancing energy level and emotions as well as helping to maintain an adequate sleep cycle. In turn, the individual’s overall health and well being is optimized. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Hyper or Hypothyroid, Obesity, Diabetes, Cholesterol support, PCOS, Hair Loss, Low Energy & Fatigue, Insomnia & Sleep disruptions, Infertility, Gigantism, Infertility, Menstrual Irregularity, Adrenal Fatigue, Digestive disorders, Grave’s Disease, Sexual Dysfunction, Hypopituitarism.

Immune System Health

Concerns related to the immune system can be supported by reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, improving energy and vitality as well as addressing the wide variety of symptoms that occur. By treating the individual and observing the root of the disease, treatment enables the immune system to a state of restoration and balance. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alopecia Areata, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Graves’ Disease, Raynaud’s, Scleroderma, Crohn’s disease, Lupus, Ulcerative Colitis, Psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis, Celiac’s Disease, Diabetes, Myasthenia Gravis, Autoimmune Hepatitis and HIV, Blood Sugar Imbalances, Sleep Disturbances, Depression, Pain, Chemical Sensitivity, Gastrointestinal problems and Candida Yeast Infections.

Kidney System Health

From a Chinese Medicine perspective, the Kidney system has a broad range of functions and is considered to be one of the most important organs in the body. Kidneys are the organ system of growth, maturation, sexuality, fertility, and aging. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Kidney Stones, Overactive Bladder, Incontinence, UTI, Frequent Urination, Stress incontinence, Retention of Urine, Renal Colic, Prostatitis, Bedwetting in children, Scanty or Copious Urine, Cystocele, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Sexual Dysfunction, Low Energy & Fatigue, Impotence, BPH, Bladder Infections, Infertility, Nephritis, Spermatorrhea, Menstrual Dysfunction, Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, and Interstitial Cystitis.

Liver System Health

The liver system plays an integral role in storing blood, processing toxins, helping to store energy, and aiding in overall immunity. General signs of a liver imbalance can be yellowish skin and eyes, abdominal pain and swelling, fatigue and/or loss of appetite. Effective detoxification is associated with liver function, without strong liver function, detoxification doesn’t accomplish deep or lasting healing in the body. As such, fostering the health of our liver is very important to our overall wellbeing. Dr. Lu’s Nourishing Life clinic has successfully treated Headaches, Irritability, Tinnitus, Insomnia, Muscle Spasms, Dizziness, Vertigo, Stroke, bitter taste in the mouth, Vomiting, Gallstones, Nausea, Pancreatic Health, Liver Cancer support, Abdominal Pain, Depression, Anxiety, PMS and Menstrual Issues, Hepatitis A & B, Fatty Liver, Cirrhosis, Elevated Liver Enzymes and Detoxification.

Ear, Eye, Nose & Throat Health

Traditional Chinese medicine is extremely effective in the treatment of many ailments related to ear, eye, nose & throat health. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Dizziness, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Night Blindness, Conjunctivitis, Eye Redness, Eye Twitching, Eye Dryness or Tearing, Earache, Light Sensitivity, Hay fever, Nerve Deafness, Blurry Vision, Tooth Pain, Vertigo, Hearing Loss, Tongue Pain, Ringing in the ears or Tinnitus, Sinusitis and Sinus Pain, Gum disease, Mouth Sores, Laryngitis, Swollen glands and Sore throat.

Cancer Support

Studies show the effectiveness of cancer treatment is multiplied when the cancer is targeted from multiple avenues. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated the many side effects of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, while significantly impacting a patient’s overall quality of life and preserving the strength and optimism necessary for recovery. Traditional Chinese medicine plays a vital role in cancer support by minimizing Pain caused by cancer, managing the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy including Vomiting, Nausea, Poor Appetite, Weight Loss, Fatigue, Depression, Xerostomia (dry mouth), and Anxiety, increasing white blood cell count and improving immune and lymphocyte cell activity.

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Dr. Lu's Nourishing Life

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Working hours

MONDAY              8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
TUESDAY              8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
WEDNESDAY        8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
THURSDAY           8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
FRIDAY                  8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
SATURDAY            8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
SUNDAY                Closed

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Contact Information

2000 Hogback Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA
