Health concerns across women’s lifespan include but are not limited to hormone balancing, regulation of menses, fertility as well as menopause. Dr. Lu’s nourishing life clinic has successfully treated Infertility including IUI or IVF complementary services, Pregnancy Support including Nausea, Fatigue, Low Back Pain, High Blood Pressure, Childbirth, Lactation Difficulties, Postpartum Care, Menstrual Pain, Irregular Menstrual Cycle, Night sweats, Pelvic Inflammation, Fibroids and Uterine Health, PCOS and Ovarian Health, Fibrocystic Breasts and Breast Health, Vaginal Spasm, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Chronic Pain, Recurrent Yeast Infection, Headaches & Migraines, Acne & Skin conditions, Cancer Support, Fatigue, Insomnia, Thyroid Health, Weight Management, Detoxification, Emotional Wellbeing & Stress management as well as Longevity.